CCNA Logo (White Tailed Kite Raptor)

Preserving Open Space and a Rural Residential Character in Carmichael

The Carmichael Creek Neighborhood Association (CCNA) has over 130 household members working together to protect our neighborhood from up-zoning and incompatible development, and to improve and maintain our quality of life. Our goal is preserve this beautiful gem in Carmichael that so many of us call home. Our neighborhood has a rich history, and we are here to protect the surroundings that have sheltered so many for so long.

CCNA Boundary Map

The CCNA boundary is from the corner of California and Sutter Avenues, east on Sutter Avenue to its end; further east on an extension of the line of Sutter Avenue to San Juan Avenue; south to the American River; southwest along the west side of the American River to Stanley Avenue; west on Stanley Avenue to California Avenue; and north on California Avenue to Sutter Avenue. Properties fronting upon or having access to either side of Sutter and Stanley Avenues, and properties fronting upon or having access to the east side of California and the west side of the American River are included.

CCNA History

The Carmichael Creek Neighborhood Association (CCNA) was formed in 1986 by a group of concerned neighbors to provide a community voice in development issues affecting Carmichael, California. Our primary concern was and is the preservation of open space and the rural residential character of this area. With the 1975 Carmichael Community Plan as our guide and after extensive house to house surveys, we persuaded the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors to establish the Carmichael Creek Neighborhood Preservation Area Ordinance (NPA) in 1988. The NPA includes about 1000 residences and restricts development not consistent with the existing zoning designations.