The Carmichael Community Plan, adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 1975

"Carmichael’s major assets as an attractive community are those portions of its residential areas which are sparsely populated and have substantial areas of private open space. These open areas, with horse pastures, large trees, natural creeks, and rolling terrain make Carmichael unique in Sacramento suburbia…Carmichael, the most significant natural resource areas are the natural stream courses, rolling terrain and major tree groves. It is of the greatest importance to insure the continuation of this type of open space in Carmichael."

The Carmichael Creek Neighborhood Preservation Area (NPA), adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 1988

"It is in the best interest of the residents of the area descried in Exhibit “A” and the County of Sacramento that the semi-rural residential character of the existing neighborhoods be preserved, protected and maintained, by restricting development not consistent with the existing zoning designations."

The County General plan, adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 1993, specifically supports NPAs and Neighborhood Associations in their efforts to maintain neighborhood identities (Zoning Code Sec III-LUE-IIIcDG-12/15/93):

LU-20: Neighborhood identity should be maintained in existing and developing areas

LU-21: Support the efforts of individual neighborhoods to maintain their identities through strategies such as NPAs or Neighborhood Associations. Nothing in the (General) Plan is intended to supersede the objectives of these efforts.

The Carmichael Community Action Plan, adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2006 as an amendment to the Carmichael Community Plan

"Projects within semi-rural neighborhoods should be built using the existing zoning of 1 or 2 homes per acre. Discourage rezones to preserve the semi-rural character and encourage retention of larger lot sizes and setbacks consistent with the neighborhood."

"The Action Plan defines semi-rural as ‘A geographic area containing RD-1 and RD- 2 zoned land but may also include a mixture of other zoning. The area may contain large animals or hobby farms. The area may generally include mature vegetation, natural streams, parcels/lots with large open space around houses and open areas which provides wildlife habitat. Street improvements are minimal. All of these elements contribute to the character of a semi-rural neighborhood."

The County General Plan, Land Use Element as amended December 13, 2017

Includes the Objective to "Create and enhance dynamic, identifiable places unique to each community. Intent: While fostering a sense of community is important when planning and developing new communities, maintaining or improving the unique identities of our existing communities is equally essential…The policies below are intended to ensure that the character and identity of existing communities and neighborhoods are protected and enhanced…":

LU-103: Neighborhood identity should be maintained and/or enhanced in existing and developing areas.